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English translation for "return pass"


Related Translations:
passing:  adj.1.通行的,通过的;越过的;经过的;过往的;供通行的。2.正在发生的;目前的,现在的。3.一时的,短暂的,刹那间的。4.仓促的,随便的,草率的。5.偶然的,附带的。6.合乎标准的;及格的。短语和例子the passing time 现在,现代。 passing events 时事。 passing history 现代史。 a passing mark 及格的分数。
pass:  vi.(passed passed, past )1.经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进。2.(时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)。 3. 及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;得马虎过去;被宽大放过;被忽略过去。4.消失,消灭;平息;停止,完;死;〔美口〕断气 (out)。5.(事件)发生,起;实行,实施。6.通用,流通;以某种身分出现;被看做…,
passed:  传送的合格的已经通过的, 已被传递的已通过
return:  vi.1.回转,回来,回去,返回,折回 ( to)。2.再来,又来;复发,回复,恢复。3.回头说正经话,回到本题,言归正传。4.送还,归还(原主)。5.回答,回嘴,回骂。 He has gone never to return. 他一去不回。 The property returned to the original owner. 财产已归还原主。 return to du
returned:  adj.被送回的;已归来的;已回国的。 returned empties 退回的空箱[空桶(等)];〔英谑〕归国牧师。 a returned overseas Chinese 归国华侨。
returns:  薄利多销返回粉末返回料回波回炉料回炉物回用料利润/收益/盈利退换商品退回;退出;报酬;税单退货赢利,利润
returning:  归去来兮
Example Sentences:
1.Buddha said : past and looking back at the 500 , before the return pass this life
2.Inland revenue amendment bill to accept use of password and telephone in filing tax returns passed
3.Stankovic looks for a one - two with adriano on the left flank but the brazilian ' s return pass is too long and fiorentina win a defensive throw - in
4.They low - hand snap pass , chest pass ( push ) , lob pass , fake pass , bounce pass , one - hand pass , long pass , short pass , low pass , return pass , rolling pass ( floor ) , shoulder pass , tap pass , passing in pairs , threeman inter - passing , side pass , cross pass , forward the ball , in - the air pass , jump pass , loop pass , passing lane , and pass - out
它们是双手胸前传球、胸前传球、高吊球、假传球、反弹传球、单手传球、长传、短传、低转球、上手传球(头上传球) 、回传球、传地滚球、肩上传球、拍球、二人传球、三人传球、侧传球、横传球、向前传球、空中传球、跳起传球、弧形传球等。
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